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Texas will continue to be a major leader in 2015

February 20, 2015

Texas has been a major leader in economic growth for the country and 2015 promises to be no different.  Texas CEO Magazine’s 2015 Economic Forecast: Momentum published at the end of 2014 examined the Industry wide look at Texas’ economy as well as predictions for next year. 4 economic panels took place in November in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The San Antonio panel focused on 3 areas of positive growth for San Antonio, Financial Services, Bio Technology and

Private Equity.

According to the report the biomedical industry accounts for one out of every six jobs in San Antonio and adds $29 billion to its economy. In the past decade San Antonio’s biomed industry has gained over 40,000 jobs.  With the ever growing Medical Center, the increasing building of medical offices  (Inwood Medical office link) and additional hospital medical facilities it comes as no surprise that this is one of San Antonio’s largest economic impactors.

For more on the 2015 Economic Forecast: Momentum