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Texas No. 1 in U.S. for biggest 5-year job gains

January 4, 2012

Texas added far more jobs than any other state in the country in the past five years.

Nationwide, only six of the 50 states have more retail jobs today than they did at the end of 2006. That’s according to an analysis of data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics by On Numbers, a feature of American City Business Journals, parent company of the Dallas Business Journal.

Of those six states in positive numbers, Texas led the way with an increase of 30,100 retail sector jobs in the five years from November 2006 to November 2011.

But the good news for Texas retail employment bucks the trend nationally, where 753,800 retail jobs were lost during that period, with California, Florida and Michigan feeling the brunt of the retail sector downturn.

The On Numbers analysis is accompanied by a searchable database.